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Finding the right neighborhood in Orlando

Orlando is home to more than 100 lovely neighborhoods. It can definitely be overwhelming to pick a favorite–especially if you’re moving from out of town. Don’t worry though; we’ve prepared this guide to help you find the ideal neighborhood here.

Step 1: Filter your top options.

A quick online search will give you dozens of sources listing the best neighborhoods in the region. We have our own guides here. You’ll find details on local schools, health services, recreational facilities, and so on.

Back up your online research with conversations with friends, family, and colleagues–particularly those who’ve lived or stayed in Orlando. They will likely share really good recommendations, because they can match their experiences of the place with their knowledge of your own interests and needs.

Remember though: what’s great for others may not be the same for you, so take time to cross-check your research with your own preferences before moving to our next step.

Step 2: Visit your top two neighborhood options.

When you’ve narrowed down your list, block off a day or two in your calendar to visit the top neighborhood you’re eyeing. Better yet, try going to at least two neighborhoods so you can compare. It would be great if you could go at different times, like on a weekday, on a weekend, and in the evening. Each time of day (and week) reveals a different dimension of any given neighborhood’s “personality.”

An actual visit to your neighborhood/s of choice will allow you to:

  • Talk to people: Chat up prospective neighbors, local shop owners, and others to get the lowdown on the community. Be transparent and tell them that you’re interested in making their neighborhood your own, too, so they can ease up on sharing with a curious stranger.
  • Test the roads: Drive around the area and get a feel forthe traffic. If possible, walk around and try out the local public transportation system, too.
  • Get a better “sense” of the place: An article you read online can only share so many descriptions–in writing, at that. When you visit, listen to the sounds all around you, take a whiff of the local air, and feel the breeze on your skin. This should warn you against any unwelcome noises (traffic, popular night spots, etc.) orrowdy neighbors that might surprise you when you move in.

Step 3: Learn about the neighborhood’s development plans.

A home is a long-term investment, so in addition to looking into the current pros and cons of your dream neighborhood, we also recommend having a forecasting mindset when evaluating neighborhoods.

Some reliable indicators of how a neighborhood may develop include:

  • Zoning restrictions: Strict zoning policies can help preserve the state of neighborhoods and communities by preventing disruption from future (especially large-scale) development projects.
  • Home ownership rate:Having more owners actually occupying their properties (as opposed to renting them out) is a sign that they are genuinely invested in the neighborhood.These property owners are likely to keep upgrading their properties and contribute to the improvement of the overall quality of life in the community.

Step 4: Visualize all you’ve learned.

Last but not least, how about a creative exercise?

Knowing all that you know now, try to imagine and plan a dayin your life living in that neighborhood. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What activities, work aside, would be included in that plan?
  • Who are the people you’ll be engaging with?
  • What are the things that you’d need and how would you get them?
  • How will you unwind during your downtime?

Can you expand this plan to stretch across a week? A month? A year?

If this exercise excites you, it looks like you’re definitely interested in your chosen neighborhood. All you need at this point is to get in touch with an agent to iron out the details. And we’ve got just the team for you.

Contact Chris Quarles

Chris Quarles Properties
